
Exibit 'A'

so i put together a little study showing that it CAN be done...or at least i think it can
i created a solid, cut a pocket through it, and then shelled out the solid so that it has a thickness that is thicker than the thickest wall after the pocket...

then i tried adding another pocket. the image on the left here shows that the pocket cuts through the shell. HOWEVER, when a rearrange the tree and put the shell below the new pocket that i created...the shell walls now wrap around the new void.

so in theory this IS possible...all i want to do is shell this thing out so that i can 3D print.
however i have been arguing with DP all week and im ready to drop out of this course haha. im not sure i can do it with what i have already done...so i think i might have to work backwards and see how many of these voids i need to change and/or eliminate in order to have a shell thickness i want

im probably not gonna like the form, but whatever...i just want to figure this out.
any ideas?


bending the rules

so what i have done (successfully believe it or not) is powercoppied the voids within the formwork so that i can project an offset of the surrounding parcels as a void through the form at specific angles which were individual parameters.

so the offset dimension, the azimuth, and the altitude are all parameters applied to the specific holes in the formwork.

this characteristic makes several things possible in this parcel; it takes up less light to surrounding sites (essentially being a good neighbor), it fulfills the rule of allowing at least 50% light to the parcels north of me at noon on the vernal equinox, 30% light to my parcel at noon on the vernal equinox.

i have also shelled out the form (not shown here) so that the walls are 50' thick...this is basically for the residential located on the exterior. im in the process of calculating the FAR by cutting sections every 12feet and seeing how much occupiable space there is in my building.

this will also give me an idea of where possible 'cores' might be located as well as if i absolutely NEED to move some voids around.

till next time...


just thinking...

looking at some other parametric designs. trying to get an idea of what im eventually looking to do at a smaller scale within my parcels

i want to start thinking of/looking at a dynamic structure that moves around the sunlight and also has some type of exterior, small scale (and at the scale we are working, my small scale will probably be huge) structure or skin.

i dont know, i was just thinking and sketching and surfin the web so i had some things i want to start modeling or attempting...

new iteration of rules

i tried to LITERALLY give the two parcels behind me 100% sunlight at noon on the equinox. I projected the shape of the parcels up through my extruded parcel.

then i needed to consider light getting to my site, as well as the fact that light needs to get into the residential portions of my building along the exterior facades. therefore i projected angled cuts into the building to allow for light to get down to the ground level as well as allow light into the inner portions of the building

after doing this stuff...DP crashed on me.
so thats all i got for now


the rail system

this is the rail system we have decided on. it is final and unchangeable...unless Karl says otherwise i guess. the placement of the individual stations is a little hazy and difficult to explain. i'll clear it all up in studio tomorrow if anyone has any questions.

the red line is the main loop which travels throughout the city. it essentially has two lines; Express and Local. the 'Red Express' are the red circles which have fewer stops and is quicker. the 'Red Local' stops on every parcel it enters. The RED and BLACK lines are each at 30' and the other lines (blue green orange purple brown and gold) are all elevated to 50'...that can be explained why later as well but i think its self-explanitory (a lot of the lines overlap)

every parcel has at least one stop. which means, at any parcel, you can get on the train line and take it to any other parcel in the city (it may take a few transfers but even sky city isnt perfect)

we'll discuss this more in studio, but this is what derek and rev.rob have come up with.


testing the rules...

the first two i put to the test...30% of ground level receives sunlight (2hrs) and slenderness ratio=1:13

This drawing shows the sun angle on March 21st (48.8 degrees) reaching 30% of the parcel footprint. The total area of the footprint is 2,800,000sf, therefore the 30% is approximately 840,000sf. That 'new' footprint is then extended up at 48.8 degrees as a pocket within the extruded parcel.

The thinnest dimension of the parcel plan was 1690.5ft. Multiplied 13 times (1:13 slenderness ratio) it became approximately 21,000ft...the new height!

HAHA i think 1:13 might be a little too tall. Granted, this is the entire parcel extruded for the highest possible density.

parcel iterations

Different iterations created from the parcel scheme and constraints.
The set of parameters used control the height to base (slenderness) ratio. As the building base changes along one dimension, the building height changes accordingly, and is usually multiplied.